Ok...I'm about to get all political up in here cause in just 4 short days WE the People of the US of A are having one of the most historical elections for a new president...
So get yer butt out there and VOTE!
It is especially important for us here in CT for our local vote...
Here in Connecticut we have a clause in our state's constitution that requires the question to be posed on the ballot every twenty years: "Should there be a convention to amend the state constitution?"
Holding a convention isn’t change, it’s politics as usual. State legislators decide who goes to the convention, not the taxpayers. It will be a convention of lobbyists, politicians and special interests groups.
The public has no say on what the lobbyists propose to do to the constitution. The political group pushing for the convention will use it to ban marriage for gay people, outlaw abortion and take away people’s rights. Big businesses will use it to give themselves special tax breaks, overturn environmental laws and take away workers’ rights and benefits.
In early October CT became the 3rd state to legalize same sex marriage by a vote of 4-3 by our state's Supreme Court. The court ruled that the state had “failed to establish adequate reason to justify the statutory ban on same sex marriage.”
Woooot! Wooooot!... Hurray for CT... right???!!!... WELLLLLL....
Soooo of course the religious right peeps/Catholics are heading a campaign to overturn this decision by running ads on our local radio stations. Ok they have their right to free speech...but be straight forward with what you are saying!!!
But Ooooh Nooo...They are being sneaky and hiding behind the guise of "Power to the People" telling people if they are not happy, and don't trust the decisions that their local politicians make..Or if they want more "rights for the people" then they should vote y to amend our constitution...
MORE RIGHTS FOR WHO???... Certainly NOT ME!!!... These "Religious Right" people want to take away OUR Civil Rights! What the HELL ever happened to SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND FRIGGIN' STATE?... The Church SHOULD HAVE NO SAY...
HELLO PEOPLE!!!...GETTING MARRIED IS NOT A RELIGIOUS RIGHT!!! Come on, think about it...People who don't believe in "their God" ,or any god at all for that matter, get married every F-ing day... but that is OK???
SO given what I just said...WHY???...WHY do people think that they have any right to TAKE AWAY MY CIVIL RIGHTS AS A CITIZEN OF THE USA?...
So I ask my readers: Think about what I said here today... Whether you live in CT or not....because eventually this decision will come to your state too!
VOTE NO ON QUESTION 1 if voting Connecticut!
Wait til you guys see my car on Sunday. LOL
Cool...What did you do... Prop 1 it all out!
very nicely put!
screw prop 1
nice to see another vegan
Thanks KTGRL... Muaaaah!
Sorry queers united... I'm a chef who specializes in the vegan/vegetarian cuisine.. I still indulge in a nice piece of burning animal flesh at least once a week!... Ha!... Thanx for stopping by, and come back soon to check out new recipes!
I stumbled over your blog while trying to find the "Vote No on Prop 1" website. Great post and explanation on Prop 1.
Today was a good day...today my 73 yo mother declared she'd be voting "No!" on Prop 1 tomorrow and couldn't understand why anyone would support it. Go mom!
Let's just hope a commitment to fairness prevails with the voters here tomorrow.
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