Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chili Stuffed Pablanos ... :)~

Vegan Chili Stuffed Pablano

2 TB xvoo
1 lg onion diced
1 ea small red, yellow, orange, pepper large dice
1 zucchini diced
3 carotts peeled and diced

3 ribs celery peeled and diced
1 lg clove garlic fine grate
1 corn on cob...cut kernels off the cob
1/2 jalepeno seeded and minced
2 cans organic whole tomatoes roughly chopped
1 lg Bay leaf
1 can each organic black, and garbanzo, and kidney beans rinsed and drained

On medium hi heat add the xvoo to the pot... get it nice and hot,and then add the veggies... Season with salt and pepper. Turn heat down to low and cook for 10 min stiring often. In a separate sautee pan on med heat toast 1 1/2 TB cumin and 3TB chili powder for 1 min. Be careful not to burn this! Now add the spices to the veggies and mix well. Add the chopped tomatoes and the juice with the bay leaf. Bring pot to a boil and then turn down to very slow simmer for 1 hr. At the very end add the beans and continue to cook for 10 more min

Slice a V into the top of the Pablano pepper as shown. Fill with the vegan chili and top with cheddar cheese! Place in oven proof dish and bake at 400 for 20 min or until cheese is golden and bubbly. Enjoy!... :)~


Jesse said...

This looks so f#cking good!

Next time you make one of your special recipes, I totally want to be there to taste test!!


Chef TinaMarie said...

Thanx Jess! We really need to have you guys over for dinner way more often!

Real Live Lesbian said...

Yum! My aunt made these for me an eternity ago. Heaven under cheese!

Anonymous said...

oooh, i'm totally passing this one on to the wife. (hey, i do the dishes, ok?) looks awesome.

Chef TinaMarie said...

Hey leo..I think that's a cool and fair trade off! Hope you and the wife enjoy the recipe!

RRL: Thanx for stopping by!..I think everything is Heaven under Cheese!