Put em up....Put em up!
Remmy w/her little boxing gloves on...
Winding up to pop her Pop in the snozzz!

You need a shave daddy!
I want people to get that it's not so challenging to eat healthfully, and have it taste good.It's easier than you might think! I believe there is a balance to everything... And that you shouldn't deprive yourself of things that you enjoy eating.
she's beautiful!!! love the daddy's girl shots :)
First off -- wtf did you and Kat do to your blogs that make those ANNOYING popups come up!
But then I see these two beautiful pictures. No. STUNNING pictures.
They should be in magazines these pictures are so gorgeous.
Therefore the popup thing is forgiven. LOL
I can't wait to meet her!!!
Perfect title! Simply sweet is right! Ahhhh. Better start the college pre paid plan now. That would be a great gift for her. Or just put money aside so she can drive a new car in high school. lol
wow..too cute
Tina those pop up things piss me off too..but totally not worth slitting yer wrists my dear...Ha!
I don't know what to do about them...Do you know how to get rid of em'?...I'll pick your brain at dinner on Friday!
Thanx guys...I just couln't resist posting these pics. They are just so sweet. Roo put them up on facebook and I hijacked them over to my blog!
Thanx sista! :)~
Squeee!!! The cuteness! My eyes!!! I can't handle the cuteness!!
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