Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy 10th Anniversary My Love!... :)~

Ten years ago today I forced myself to go out alone to a bar. It was a Saturday night, and usually I would meet my friend Chick there. We would dance the night away, and watch out for each other...but for some reason that I don't remember she couldn't make it out this night. I really didn't like hanging at the bar by myself....and don't know what possessed me to go...but I did. I guess everything happens for a reason.... cause if I didn't force myself to go out that night I would've never had my first real encounter with Kat

Now I had met Kat at this bar a few weeks earlier, and danced with her....even gave her the correct digits...LOL....but I had just gotten out of a very complicated relationship with 2 people...and wasn't ready to get into another one so quickly. She did ring me up...but I never returned the call.

I don't remember who went up to who first that night. I do recall though her wearing this tank top that let the tattoo on her shoulder blaze, and she had on these cool Doc Martens boots with flowers. I found myself drawn to her, and with Chick not being there to C--- block .....I let Kat into my world.

We danced and talked and kissed all night long. When it was time to go I asked her to come to my car to say good-bye. We wound up making out in the parking lot for at least 2hrs. before I asked her to come back to my house with me. We spent our first night together....Actually our first week was spent together....We both called in sick to work for the whole week!...LOL... :)~

So.... here we are 10 years later and still going strong! We have been through so much together. To heaven and hell and back again. Through it all we have managed to keep loving and supporting each other.

Happy Anniversary baby!
I heart you more!...To infinity... and beyond!



Katerina Papadopoulos said...

aaaaaawwwwwwwww that was so sweet baby.....memory ya more....mmmuh

Landlady of Fat said...

Get a room!!! :)


Val said...

Loved the sweetness... happy 10th guys!

Chef TinaMarie said...

Awwwwww shucks (blushing) Thanx guys!

Lesbian Equinox said...

Congrats! Soo romantic!
To Tina! I think we could have said the same to you guys last

Lesbian Equinox said...

heey where is my comment?

Chef TinaMarie said...

There ya go aren't we impatient!...LOL

Thanx for the congrats!!!

Janet said...
